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Everything posted by glebzer

  1. Hey I'm trying to host a telegram bot in Python on Tommy2. I'm using these tutorials as a reference https://wiki.helionet.org/tutorials/discord-bot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dww3CNK15o I put my project inside `httpdocs` folder, changed permission to 755 and created `start.py` and `stop.py` But a request to start the bot fails with 500. I think I' might be missing something most likely. Should I change `.composer/.htaccess`? And what is the right path for my project in `start.py` script? P.S My project is public now. Fortunately I didn't copy secrets but how can I make this folder private? Thanks in advance
  2. Could you please resend it one more time? Looks like the "forget password" form doesn't send the email
  3. I registered and created a domain, but then was logged out and can't log in HelioHost. I think something can be wrong with my password. Can I reset it?
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