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  1. The renew mail just came in. Seems to be working this time, so the issue is solved for me. Just some additional information for debugging purpose: The "Uh oh, something went wrong" message appeared some seconds (~5sec I'd say) after I initiated the renew process, not some minutes after. When this message showed up I instantly tried to restart the renew process some times (I think i did that 4 times), so maybe that had some influence on the instant expiry therafter.
  2. Aaand it's inactive again Something strange is happening here...
  3. Ok, forget it. Just got a mail that my account is now renewed Strange that...
  4. Hi there, just wanted to renew my account, but I get an error message: Uh oh, something went wrong. I recommend contacting support for further assistance. Can anybody help me on this? Kc
  5. Yes, you're right. It works now.
  6. Hi everyone, I just registered a new account (Tommy) and am looking to create web content. However, it seems the primary domain does not resolve the content in /httpdocs I.e. instead of the index.html, I get a page telling me that "You see this page because there is no Web site at this address." Is there something not set up correctly? Username: Kc Domain: kc.helioho.st Best regards, Kc
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