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Everything posted by flechen

  1. I shut them off because I thought that would fix the issue. been trying to get the srv port record to work for 2 days now for greenzone101.com on cloudflare, no dice! thanks for your help, maybe I can get it to work soon!
  2. Flechen Disable dns redirect for greenzone101.com.
  3. Can you please un-suspend my account please and give me link to donate to upgrade my account space? Thank You!
  4. now I think I just put in a website that might need the PHP switched to a newer version or something, because the page isn't coming up the way its supposed too. https://github.com/Mo45/Rust-Server-Website-Template
  5. profile still says musicgrain, I thought that go away also? as long as its not linked to the hosting and people can't see the hosting I don't have a problem. but I want everything flechen if I can. Thanks!
  6. ok deleted everything and start over. Re-invite me please!
  7. Username: Flechen Email: flechengamer@protonmail.com Can you help me out here? I got the email changed, just need the username now... Thank You!
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