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alanoncl last won the day on October 22 2024

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  1. hi wolstech, thanks for answering maybe i am doing something wrong .. this is what i tried: created an "includes" folder in my home directory in that folder create a library file that includes "error_log($msg."\n", $level, 3, $my_log);" (here "3" means append log to file on next parameter) $my_log = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/../logs/mailer.log' , because php sees document root as httpdocs folder, this trick worked me before include this lib at top in some httpdocs php script with "include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/../includes/my_lib.php';" howerev it doesn't log anything... but if i just replace error_log() with file_put_contents() it works ok ... so that is what i did, blindly without understand why i hope this info would be useful to reproduce the issue and help debugging, or to workaround it
  2. thanks for your suggestions Haradion ... i did some tests with error_log() and file_put_contents(), and discovered the problem is error_log() function with type 3 (at least) because file_put_contents() worked flawlessly in every directory i tested so i think i will switch my log function to file_put_contents() with append flag ... until maybe is not the optimal or so elegant (because of performance or security), but at least it seem to work if some staff member read this thread and feel motivated, may be good if check this issue and/or document it because possible performance and security risks... and to avoid being walking blind while a mess is happening because somebody could think "no log = no problem" thanks
  3. hi... firstly, i dont know if this is the correct place to post this question.. i supossed so because is related to some hh feature i have a php script that writes some info with php custom_log() with a log type 3 "custom file" file like: error_log($msg, $severity, 3, $custom_file) (i guess file_put_contents() works in same manner internally) so... for keep things clean, i want the file to be located in <hh_home>/logs/mylog.log .... but nothing is written to the file! .. i just added the file to "add custom log" in webhosting section but still the same... i have another included file read like $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/../includes/myInclude.php that works flawlessly, maybe because /logs folder is special?, or have different owner/permissions? am i doing something wrong?? .. please help me somebody who knows
  4. hi... a couple days ago i reactivate my account and i could enter plesk to check some things in my site... today i can't enter again, and can't reactivate again i am the web admin of the NGO al-anon in chile, the account i want to be unsuspended is: - username = alanoncl - email = alanon.cl@gmail.com - website = www.al-anon.cl please... anyway the website has very low traffic, i need enter to fix some related things hoping in reactivate the site, it is very important for us though
  5. Yes please... i already got a link 3-4 days ago, but some problem occurred with the target reset page Yes, send me a plesk passord reset link please ... thanks Edit: by default i was not receiving email notifications, that was the reason for delayed replies
  6. - account: alanoncl - email: alanon.cl@gmail.com - domain: al-anon.cl - server: johnny .... hi.. this is the third time i have to send an unlock request, dont know how it cost so much, maybe i am in bad luck ... this time i did receive the mail unlock link again, but the opened unlock page says "sorry, there is a problem.. you are not awaiting validation for alost password request" and the only option i see is the "sign in" to forum button... this is the one i click to enter forum and post this message ... but thas is not my real problem, but the heliohost.net/plesk access.... could you please check what is happening?, it would help me (us) a lot, especially this time that i have to transfer some duties to my (hopefully) new collaborator ... thanks in advance
  7. hi wolstech, thanks for unsuspending yes i created 2 accounts, but consider one of them are not "mine" but the organization i am volunteer (my "real" account that i will use for personal projects is "atesin", you had detected by the ip address?).... soon (i hope) i will give the credentials to my partner so she can admin the site, i just was commended to do the "hard" work i wont abuse the system, the site is really low demand, but are important for us people seeking help to contact us, so this migration is more for availability as i said thanks again... anything i could help i would like to participate... i implemented very nice things in my home server at no cost, as php sessions with persistent memcached, that dramatically boosted the site speed (php sessions had to wait disk locks to avoid data inconsisencies), and free incremental and full sites backup through dropbox service daemon
  8. hi... i am volunteer of non-profit organization in my country (al-anon.cl), to help alcoholic siblings .. this email account is not exclusively mine, is shared between some partners, i am just the webmaster and sysadmin i am running the website in my house (linux+nginx+php+memcached+mariadb) ... but now i am searching a decent free external webhosting to migreate to, mainly for availability reasons ... i found heliohost and found interesting the idea of being community driven... i was waiting a couple days to catch account creation open.. i finally created the account, and the first time i was configuring, suddenly plesk logged me out and says my account was suspended ... why???.. i haven't even 2 hours with my account, i had no time to configure nothing yet! .... i understand a service like this could be very demanded by people, but what my account was suspended?, i didn't had the time to touch anything yet when suddenly i was dropped out and my account suspended ... please
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