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Everything posted by afonsovo

  1. Is that possible, using the python library? I took a look around at the module's source code and it seems like "api.telegram.org" is hard-coded into pretty much every request. Is this issue only happening to me? Because, if the base URL is indeed not configurable in the module, I think this would make it unusable for everyone. Is there some sort of Python version conflict or trouble with another module maybe? The bot worked for the better part of a year.
  2. Hello, I am hosting a Telegram bot on Johnny using the Python library it has installed, and it has been working for quite a while. However, yesterday it started consistently crashing. I'm having a hard time figuring out what's wrong, since I can't find any real error messages. One thing that I noticed, however, is that if I print out the bot object when running the script on my PC, I get "Bot[token=<my API key>]", but in Heliohost I just get "Bot()", although I imagine this might not mean anything. Has anyone else had issues with this recently?
  3. Hello, I want to host a telegram bot made in python, and I made it with the python-telegram-bot module. I found some older posts about installing python modules, and the link that was there pointing to the list of installed modules doesn't work. In case it isn't installed, would it be possible for you to do so? python-telegram-bot-raw would be enough (it has less features, but I didn't use those that don't exist in the raw module). I've also seen some posts concerning excessive loads with hosting bots. I don't think my bot would have this problem, since it doesn't interact in any way with the users (so it doesn't need to constantly probe for new messages). It just sends a message when a new event is posted on the website of a student association I belong to, and I could adjust the polling period for the site if I notice it's causing too much load. Thank you in advance
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