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Everything posted by dosprn

  1. Thank you very much. It looks like all is ok now.
  2. Thank you. The first FTP server ( is accessible now. But another one (host-57141772.bakop.com) still shows the same error.
  3. The cloud FTP service I was using (DriveHQ) has stopped working. So I want to change my FTP(S) Storage Settings. I get the following error: Error: Unable to access the storage: Transport error: unable to list directory: Curl error: (7) Could not connect to server: Last FTP request: PASV Last FTP response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (198,45,114,194,137,247) Make sure you have entered the correct storage settings. You can check them independently with the command: curl -v --ftp-pasv -u dosprnco '' As far as I remember from past communication, this happens because FTP passive access is blocked by default and must be allowed for individual IP addresses. Therefore, I ask that you allow me to use next FTP servers host-57141772.bakop.com
  4. Thank you very much. The backup of the database was created and uploaded successfully.
  5. It looks like the user under whose name the schedule is started does not have sufficient rights to run mysqldump.
  6. But I used this option from July to October and received backups to a remote FTP storage on a schedule. Is it possible to enable Shedule Backup for my account? This will save from huge data loss if the server encounters a major failure (which has already happened)
  7. Yesterday I set up a scheduled database backup and today I received an email saying that the backup creation was unsuccessful.
  8. Thank you, I was able to successfully configure "Remote Storage Settings" and activated the "Scheduled backup task". Now I will wait for the result.
  9. In this case, please add these addresses to the list of allowed exceptions Name: ftp.drivehq.com Address: Name: ftpupload.net Address:
  10. Do I understand correctly that it is proposed to add separate permissions for each IP of each FTP server? In my opinion, this is not very correct.
  11. I have encountered a problem with the "Backup Manager/Remote Storage Settings" settings. I have been successfully using this service for a few months since July 2024 and have been uploading backups to DriveHQ storage. But now I have discovered that since October 2024 backups are no longer being created. I have tried to reconfigure Remote Storage Settings into different FTP storages (DriveHQ, Bakop, ftpupload.net) but I keep getting the same error. And if I execute the suggested curl command, it completes successfully of course (if necessary, the password to mentioned FTP storage is jxNV3DI1QSliyF). Please pay attention to this problem and provide recommendations on how to fix it. I am attaching a screenshot with an error during configuration.
  12. Dashboard working if you go directly to tommy.heliohost.org But it fails if you login from https://heliohost.org/
  13. My account is located on Tommy. Even though "network issues with one IP address - Fixed" I still can't log into my account. Also, apparently LetsEncrypt certificates don't work too.
  14. Thank you very much for your support. I'll try to enable my services again and monitor RAM load level.
  15. Today, the problem is reoccurring. I noticed that the RAM overload reached 100% and disabled access to all scripts using "Deny from all". Left access only to static html. After that, the CPU load dropped to 0. But the RAM remains loaded at 80% for 7 hours.
  16. Thank you. I disabled access with a Deny from all Now I suspect that finished PHP processes remain in memory for a very long time. Otherwise, I can't explain how the RAM continues to hold when CPU=0 for 3 hours.
  17. Thanks for the recommendation. I would like to add that when contacting the server, in addition to checking the version, the current software status is also stored, which is very useful both for future user support requests and for calculating my statistics. If I get rid of this functionality, it will make support more difficult. I also want to note that the total number of these requests never exceeds 3,000 per day, which does not seem to be a significant overload. Interestingly, from the graph, after I completely disabled access to the service domains, the CPU load dropped to 0 instantly, but the RAM stayed at 100% for another 3 hours and only then dropped to 0. So it doesn't seem connected directly.
  18. I regularly check the resource usage of my account and found that during the last 8 hours I have an overload of RAM. Before that, I carefully reviewed all the logs and denied access to all suspicious bots in .htaccess. After that, I disabled access to my service subdomains and the CPU load dropped to 0. But despite this, I still get 70-80MB of RAM usage. This will inevitably lead to the blocking of my account after a few hours, although I cannot influence the situation in any way. Please help me to solve the problem.
  19. Thank you very much for your support. I will try to check the logs as often as possible and block suspicious bots. But such an attack can start unexpectedly during non-working hours, and after half a day the site can be blocked again. Is there any way to set up an alert that will send a warning e-mail in case of overload? This would make it possible to quickly respond to such attacks.
  20. Thank you very much. What should be done now? Can you unblock the account and give Krydos a look at what's going on? Do I need to contact Krydos separately myself?
  21. I apologize for the inconvenience, but my account is disabled again due to High Load. I really need your help to find out the cause of this problem. My account does not have any continuously running processes that could use a large amount of RAM. There are only a few PHP scripts that perform single MYSQL commands by HTTPS requests. The tables are optimized for these requests and should not load the system. After the previous incident, I looked through the logs and did not find any hint of the cause of the problem, and the memory usage was constantly at the level of 20-30Mb. Maybe there is an attack on my website that causes an unexpected increase in memory usage, but since I can't see the processes that are taking up too much memory, I can't find a way to solve the problem. Please unblock the account and help me solve the problem.
  22. Thank you again. Unfortunately at this time, I cannot determine what could have caused the overload. My account doesn't run any ongoing or scheduled processes (except for daily account backups configured in Plesk). I also found no traces of suspicious activity in the logs. I will monitor the level of memory usage and contact you for help if this level unexpectedly reaches 100% again. Now, as far as I can see, it is within 20-40%.
  23. Can I watch the CPU load from my Plesk account and/or can I determine which process was taking up 100% of the resource?
  24. thank you very much. I'll look around the problem asap
  25. Unexpectedly, my account was disabled due to exceeding the 24 hour limit of 100 GB memory or 10,000 CPU. I think that there was some error because my sites do not perform complex calculations and a large number of requests on the Internet. There have been no such incidents over the past years. Please unlock my account so I can check what might have happened and prevent it from happening in the future.
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