HI, Im having issues connecting to my mail servers outside webmail, it wont connect, send or recieve mail.
It also say the certificate is outdated, it used to work fine until a week ago or so. Now i can only access on Roundcube.
Thank you!
When i try to install Concrete5, it adds the tables on the database, but the installation stops and shows the following message:
is_dir(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/var/lib/php/session) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/buenosairesdry.com.ar/:/tmp/).
What could be the reason for that? is somethin on your end?
Thank you very much for your answer!
Hi, how are you?? im trying to install Concrete CMS and the software tells me it doesnt have access to read PATH_INFO ORIG_PATH_INFO on the server, therefore it cant be installed, can you change this on your end?
Thank you for your work
Hi, im sorry to bother, im trying to install concrete5 with plesk and i get this error and tells me to contact my hosting provider:
Installation of concrete5
Error: Unable to install the app because its installation requirements are not met. Contact your hosting provider to resolve this problem.
PHP extension
The 'mysql' extension was not found.
PHP extension
The 'mcrypt' extension was not found.
Thank you so much for your help!
I am having issues setting DKIM and SPF authentication, so im not being able to send email to any google acoount, can you set these up for me? or there is something im not doing right?
Im attaching the mail system returned message
Thank you!
Hi, im having troubles loging in for the frist time. The account creation bar is stuck at 98% and its says theres is been an issue.
If you can kindly look it up, im gonna be greatful.
Thank you for your work