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Everything posted by irajkaufman

  1. Thanks, @Krydos. I forgot there are 2 postgres databases that require renewed access. For the database irajkaufman_hoops, these usernames need access: irajkaufman_admin, irajkaufman_bball_admin, and irajkaufman_vp For the database irajkaufman_dev, these usernames need access: irajkaufman_admin, irajkaufman_bk, and irajkaufman_vp Please let me know if you need any further information.
  2. Hello. I'm trying to access my postgres database (irajkaufman_hoops) that I just renewed, per the Johnny server rebuild, but I'm getting an error message: "The connection attempt failed. Network is unreachable". I believe my IP address changed, as well, which may be part of the problem, too. My current IP is My database usernames are: irajkaufman_bball_admin, irajkaufman_admin, and irajkaufman_vp Could you please help me with whitelisting? Many Thanks! -ira
  3. Whelp, it seems to have resolved itself. I would love to understand what happened, there. But thankfully, the issue no longer exists.
  4. Hello. I've been developing an app, and everything seemed to be working perfectly fine, earlier today. However, there seems to be a problem with my database (irajkaufman_hoops). I attempted to add a new field to the table "scoring" (a foreign key to the "schedule" table's primary key). My client - dbeaver - just hung and hung. So, I force quit dbeaver, and it asked me if i wanted to upgrade to the latest version. I did so, and actually lost the sql script i had been working on (tho, that's really no big deal). I've tried to reconnect to the database several times since, and while it looks like I can query two of my three tables - "roster" and "schedule" - every attempt to query/refresh the "scoring" table fails/hangs. I'd guess that table has 1200-ish rows - from lots of testing. I was actually planning to truncate the table tonight. However, the table is totally inaccessible to me. Is there anything that can be done to allow me access back to the "scoring" table?? Thanks!! -ira
  5. Yes! I realize now that I was getting an unrelated error. Thanks, @Krydos.
  6. Hi, @wolstech and @Krydos. Quick follow up - could you please help me with one more whitelisting for for the same database and users? Thank you!!
  7. Perfect! Thank you, @wolstech and @Krydos!
  8. Thank you, @wolstech. The user names are: irajkaufman_bball_admin, irajkaufman_admin, and irajkaufman_vp.
  9. Hello. I'm trying to access a new postgres database that I just created (irajkaufman_hoops) from my IP Could you help me with whitelisting for this to work?
  10. Hi, @Krydos. Just confirming that this is a legitimate request, and it would be great if you could set Ben up for this. Thanks!
  11. Thanks, @Krydos! Sorry, had some technical difficulties over the past week and just replaced my old computer. Ideally both users can have remote access, as both are mine. However, if I can only choose one at this time, I'd pick irajkaufman_admin. Thanks!
  12. Hi. I'm trying to access a database that I just created (irajkaufman_dev) from my IP Could you help me with whitelisting for this to work?
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