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  1. Please reset my account - jcisministries.helioho.stServer - Tommy 1000MBUsername - reinzemf
  2. Can you reset my domain learn.jcischurch.helioho.st. It seems that i don't see my applications there. Thank you!
  3. Can you reset my domain learn.jcischurch.helioho.st. It seems that i don't see my applications there. Thank you!
  4. Hi guys, can you help me to create a subdomain for my site? My website is jcischurch.helioho.st and i'd like to add learn.jcischurch.helioho.st and add more storage spaces for it. Please help me, Thank you in advance!
  5. Hi, it's me again. I encountered a problem while installing my PHP script on my website. It says that I must set my max_input_vars to 5000, but I tried using the php.ini and .htaccess files and nothing seems to work. How can I fix this issue on my website?
  6. reinzemf


    Hello everyone! I'm new here
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