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Everything posted by daankythric

  1. Although I attempted to set it back to local-only connections and am now locked out of Plesk with "Error: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory", which has certainly altered the state of my problems. But it's recovered. Not touching that switch again!😅
  2. Dang, that must be it. Although the database times out from my local computer too, which has no 3306 problems, that's moot because the server from which I was initially trying to connect can't even handle portquiz. Thanks for the quick diagnosis!
  3. Much obliged! With MySQL, I'm still getting a "Connection refused" error after enabling remote access through Plesk - I'd wondered if that was a barrier elsewhere in the system 🤔 Thank you for adding the subdomains as well! I'll get Cloudflare updated accordingly. Changing the document root isn't urgent; easier to just leave it for the time being.
  4. Hi there, My username is daankythric. I was hoping you could enable remote access to the SQL database daankythric_dquery for user daankythric_dev. Additionally, if you would be so kind, I would like to add the domain dquery.net. It's not clear if the current state of the Plesk implementation allows for the creation of subdomains on my end; if not, I would also appreciate live.dquery.net, stage.dquery.net, and dev.dquery.net. My main domain is currently q.helioho.st, on Tommy2. Lastly, I see that many configuration options on the Plesk control panel are currently locked. Although I do not know if there are plans to make these option available later, I would appreciate the ability to lower upload_max_filesize and alter the document root. Many thanks for your help!
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