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  1. This works now, thank you.
  2. For some reason Im still struggling with this, could disabled CGI support be the reason? Also when trying to login to Plesk I see cert error, is that how it is supposed to be?
  3. could not connect to server: Connection refused Is the server running on host "" and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
  4. I do not see an external IP for those databased, how can I connect?
  5. Hello, I was trying to run python script as it say in tutorial https://wiki.helionet.org/tutorials/python but it did not produce the result. Can I access server over ssh to establish a virtual environment for python? Or is there another way to deploy a python project on Helio hosting?
  6. How do I find external IP to connect to this DB remotely?
  7. Hello, I need remote access to Postgre SQL DBs https://tommy2.heliohost.org/ #DB1 DB_NAME='dmncwrk_auto' DB_USER='dmncwrk_cre' #DB2 DB_NAME='dmncwrk_auto2' DB_USER='dmncwrk_cre2' from and Thank you kindly.
  8. Hello, I need to connect PostgreSQL db to a remote application. In connection details I see local IP how can I connect it to the remote app?
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