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  1. Hi, wolstech! Thanks for your attention. It's working! Thank you!
  2. Hi everybody, When I try to login on my account, I receive this error. It started yesterday. Can you help me? If you need, my server is: tommy2.heliohost.org:5432/thiagoenca_carteira_inteligente_api
  3. I don't think this would be the best approach for me now, since I have a lot of code and locally it's working with heliohost db. It's seems some configuration error. When you say that the code should be in webroot, you mean that should below to `Home directory` but at same level that .npm, .git, ... this?
  4. @KrydosThe structure that I've now is this: My code is inside "node" folder and "httpdocs". Both are sending me the same message mentioned above. Sorry, I don't know what is Passenger. But to make work in my codebase locally, I just placed the database info into my .env file: What changes I should do to make work?
  5. I noticed some differences from this tutorial (https://wiki.helionet.org/tutorials/node.js😞 1. The cpanel is different now, and we can't register an application. Now our app is already there. So I couldn't change the path to node as mentioned in the tutorial nether application url. Now, what we have is this: If I try to change document root to "node" folder it doesn't allow me to do this.
  6. Hey @Krydoscan you help us here, please?
  7. Hey @Unknown025 can you escalated this situation please? We really need help here
  8. Hey, I looked the logs but it's not bringing so clear information: Would help if you have access to the code? But for me doesn't make sense work in local and not in heliohost server (it seems that it is lost)
  9. Hello Heliohost managers! I need some help, yesterday I made a upload of my Node.js application: Name: Node.js APP Installation path: http://marcatexto.helioho.st My APP has these configs: My FTPS inside /httpdocs already has the code (I tried before create a new folder named Node following a tutorial that I found but didn't work too): I already ran the npm install (button) and restart app (button). But what is happening is so weird, because when I try to test my route (http://marcatexto.helioho.st/login) it's showing a error handling message that I created when someone try to access other routes without a token that I created as below. The thing is, this route doesn't need this token to work, because this route generate the token that I will use in other routes: You could think that is an issue with my app, right? But when I try to run locally, with HelioHost database is working perfectly: So, I'm pretty lost about how to proceed. The screenshot below shows my app.js file: Can someone give me some help, please?
  10. Hello, HelioHost managers! I've a project in my github account (backend in node.js) and I want integrate the project with Heliohost to have my backend in a online server. Heliohost has this possibility? If yes, can you share with me a tutorial? If not, how can I upload my project here? And have a way to do deploy in automatic way from Github or another way?
  11. Problem solved!
  12. Hi Krydos! It's working now! Thank you!
  13. Hi. I have the problem that I can't connect remotely to the postgres database. My connection parameters are: Database: thiagoenca_bdmctexto User: thiagoenca_mctexto_user Host: marcatexto.helioho.st:5432 Then the connection responds: FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "thiagoenca_mctexto_user", database "thiagoenca_bdmctexto", SSL off Can you help me?
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