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Everything posted by huberret

  1. So why is typo3 among the available applications in plesk but cannot be installed because of these errors? And why did Krydos do it in other cases?
  2. Can you please increase my php limits for typo3? The PHP memory limit is 128M bytes. The app requires at least 256M bytes. The PHP maximum execution time is 30. The app requires at least 300 seconds.
  3. Oh in that case I just sent another 5 bucks. 😉 Transaction 4KT92152XS450735V
  4. Paypal 56D40986RB704154Y
  5. Please increase my storage space on user huberret to 5000MB. Thanks.
  6. Thank you, that worked! It would be helpful if someone could update the Wiki https://wiki.helionet.org/management/uploading-files Also the new port number should be added.
  7. I am not able to connect to tommy.heliohost.org:1373 Connecting to tommy.heliohost.org:1373... Response: fzSftp started, protocol_version=11 Command: open "xxxxxx@tommy.heliohost.org" 1373 Error: Connection failed Already double checked my credentials.
  8. Please delete my VPS. It is not useful for my application. I have to wait until HelioHost Plans are available again.
  9. Ok, found the issue. My password is containing numbers. I entered them from the numbers keypad. Seems to work to log in but not in the shell itself although num lock is active. Using the numbers above the normal keypad worked now. 😉
  10. Neither one does work.
  11. Can you please DM me so I can send you my secondary email? I can ssh into my server but on sudo the same password is not accepted...
  12. By the way, I never received a VPS setup completed email. This may have to do with your gmail issue? I now added a spam filter to my gmail. Hopefully this works for future emails...
  13. Can please someone install Hestia on my VPS? I do not seem to have a root password to install it myself...
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