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Everything posted by freakzone

  1. Hi, I put this request some time back and got a reply to remove the top level domain from parked domains list. I did that and i wish the desired change is made so that I can start using my site on freakzone.in. Thank you in advance.
  2. Hi, I want to change my primary domain from freakzone.heliohost.org to freakzone.in I already tried parking my domain and redirection, but its not serving my needs. So I request you to please make the above mentioned changes. Thanks for the help in advance My username : freaker Current domain : http://www.freakzone.heliohost.org New desired domain : http://www.freakzone.in
  3. Worked like charm, thanks a lot.
  4. Hi, I've installed a wordpress blog for my website (www.freakzone.in) with address www.freakzone.in/wp. But now, i wish to redirect users who type freakzone.in to the blog. Is it possible for me to do it?
  5. Thank you for quick response. The domain is working fine and I think it might have been my browser problem.
  6. Hi, i signed up with sub-domain freakzone.heliohost.org, but now I am willing to use my top level domain name freakzone.in for your free hosting. As suggested here, i tried to add the domain to parked domains in my cpanel. It is almost 36 hours and still the domain is not working. When entering the domain name, the heliohost cgi error is showing up. I request for help regarding my issue and if possible, it would be better if my subdomain is replaced by my top-level domain freakzone.in Please note that my domain name registered with some other domain registrar. However, i've observed that there is no problem on their side. Thank you and hoping my problem is solved soon. Present sub-domain : freakzone.heliohost.org Desired domain : freakzone.in Username : freaker
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