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Everything posted by PokeNerd

  1. Gotta be the most helpful user here. :-)

  2. Hm... Well my Stevie signup is working OK. But I have been getting that Johnny error like 5 days straight...
  3. Anyone? Gah! I'll just use Stevie!
  4. Getting this e-mail... Please fix...
  5. Cool, thanks. Hope djbob can fix it soon.
  6. Okay, so I got my account 'terminated' to move to Stevie. I then decided I wanted to stay on Johnny. But, whenever I try to re-signup to Johnny, my account just doesn't get created/ get's deleted. Any suggestions?
  7. I think I might move on to Stevie. :/
  8. Same has happened to me. All my pages are getting the HTTP 500 error, although I'm not sure if this is related.
  9. Except for a few things -- I just spotted that phpMyAdmin is still replaced with the 'Hacked By BHG' page.
  10. Johnny is up and running as normal.
  11. Hmmm... Yes. I wonder if djbob has any idea how they did it? I couldn't get that info out of the hackers, and I talked to 2 of them.
  12. Okay, I'll just pretend I knew what that meant... o.o So when d'you reckon it'll be back up by?
  13. UPDATE: I think it may be being fixed -- since it's currently not loading.
  14. We already have enough of these topics. -.- Perhaps check the other forums, and then you'd find out what happened, eh?
  15. Yeah, just be patient until they fix it. I couldn't haggle anything out of the hacker.
  16. Well, when I look at my files through FTP, every one of them's content has been replaced.
  17. Most likely, yes. You may have some angry customers who didn't have backups.
  18. Lol, what's done is done. You can't stop something that's already happened. I'm trying to find out what the security flaw was.
  19. I'm currently talking to one of the hackers.
  20. HelioHost is indeed hacked. This is not looking good. --EDIT-- Only Johnny hacked though. --/EDIT--
  21. Hmmmm.... My site seems to have been hacked by a mysterious "Black Hat Group"? It is of no concern to me, as I have a backup. But is it a concern to you? PS: Hope this was in the right thread.
  22. I like Yahoo! Mail! Well, I use an @btinternet.com address, but it is Yahoo! Mail. I've been using Yahoo! ever since I discovered E-Mail.
  23. I live in England. The sky is always grey, and everybody always looks depressed!
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