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Everything posted by ricm

  1. see well, it's not in in my interest to have directions from one domain/subdomain to another, nor indeed from domains/subdomains. my interest is, in fact, that all wildcard domains point to the same folder as follows an example below. for better understanding imagine the following folder tree: {webRootDir}/.htaccess {webRootDir}/ricm.dev/ {webRootDir}/subdomain1.ricm.dev/ {webRootDir}/subdomain2.ricm.dev/ {webRootDir}/subdomain3.ricm.dev/ Now the pointing of the domains to their folders: ricm.dev -> {webRootDir}/ subdomain1.ricm.dev -> {webRootDir}/ subdomain2.ricm.dev -> {webRootDir}/ subdomain3.ricm.dev -> {webRootDir}/ in my {webRootDir}/.htaccess file I would have the directive: RewriteCond {webRootDir}/%{HTTP_HOST} -d RewriteRule ^(.*)$ {webRootDir}/%{HTTP_HOST}$1 [NC,QSA,L] or something similar to: RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ricm.dev RewriteBase {webRootDir}/ricm.dev/ RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} subdomain1.ricm.dev RewriteBase {webRootDir}/subdomain1.ricm.dev/ RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} subdomain2.ricm.dev RewriteBase {webRootDir}/subdomain2.ricm.dev/ RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} subdomain3.ricm.dev RewriteBase {webRootDir}/subdomain3.ricm.dev/ but I'll fix it. in this case you can remove all subdomains leaving only the main and wildcard. no problem with loss because the data is all in github and external databases. If it's possible to do this: - My username is: ricmdev - The server of my account is: tommy - The domain I would like to have the wildcard subdomain on is: ricm.dev - In which directory should the webroot of this wildcard character be located and the main domain is: {HOMEDIR}/ricm.dev/ I also ask that you add the domain: ricm.ml and the same wildcards, but the webroot {HOMEDIR}/ricm.ml/ thank you for your attention
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