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  1. Hi there, I got access back again - thanks But I got one more simple (noob) question - How can I tell exactly how filled is my 1GB? I'm asking that because in Plesk there is still 467,5MB and it doesn't change even though I uploaded a few small themes (10-20MB appox.) Thanks again, mothzee
  2. Hi, My account (mothzee) was suspended because of me exceeding storage limit above 1GB. I recently started working on my website, I installed WordPress, then Joomla, but finally I stayed with Drupal - that might be the cause. I already uninstalled Wordpress and Joomla and would delete some unneeded files ...except I don't have acccess anymore Can you please fix that? ...I promise to check my limits often from now on Thank you in advance, mothzee
  3. Hi, I tried to install on my heliohost domain (rr.heliohost.us) an e-commerce solution. Years ago I've been using Prestashop (it was ...OK), but now I read on alternativeto.net that a fork of that software (ThirtyBees) is better. I started my installation, and just like in the topic below I had an error/s when installing just like those shown in that topic. I would show you the error messages, but I was doing so many switching of versions of PHP and the way it works, and then I tried to install Prestashop - and they were different every time (but appeared in the same moment - last part, approx.12-15%). OFC if it would help I can reproduce them, but I suppose that someone already knows what/where/how to set everything to work. ...also (FROM YOUR EXPERIENCE) - is the Prestashop or the Thirty Bees better? Direct contact via PM or heliohost.mothzart@erine.email Many thanks in advance R.
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