Well, this problem is conflicting the production to my website.
I just opened it weeks ago and it seems that it was most likely hacked or just on a restoration service.
I keep getting this message.
"A3q was here ... A3q [ at ] att [ . ] net"
It seems to be coming from the e-mail of the AT&T company.
Most likely, if I try to access my site via non-redirect... I get a internal server error + 500 error.
Same goes to myPHPadmin and every part of my account that doesn't use cpanel.
Please, a entire community is waiting for this website to be open...
username: aromero
domains:(Main) romerouniverse.co.cc
(community) pmdo.co.cc/pmdo.romerouniverse.co.cc
Most likely seems to be a new hacker than the last one.
EDIT: I've just changed my password, I wanna change it again but... it says
"Your password could not be changed because the new password failed with the following reason : (it is based on a dictionary word), please try again!"
but it isn't based on it in any way.
for now, I'll stick to my newly changed password before changing it again.