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  1. OK, I understand. Thanks anyway
  2. Hello! I would like to know if it's posible to upgrade to Postgresql 12. Thanks! Regars
  3. Thanks!!! hahahaha! Long names are easier to understand :-)
  4. Hello, Could you enable the postgresql remote access from any ip? Here are the database info: Server: johnny Database: juliokri_mensajes_automaticos User: juliokri_mensajes_automaticos_user Can you allow only SSL connections? Thank you...
  5. Hi, I can connect! Thank you very much! Regards!
  6. Hi, I'm having problems connection to the postgres database: $ psql.exe -U juliok_arvendbuser -h johnny.heliohost.org -W juliok_arvendbContraseƱa:psql: error: no se pudo conectar al servidor: FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "juliok_arvendbuser", database "juliok_arvendb", SSL off Am I doing something wrong? Thanks. Regards
  7. Hi! username: juliok_arvendbuser database name: juliok_arvendb Thanks! Regard
  8. Hello! I need to access the postgresql database "juliok_arvendbuser" from any IP, can you enable it? Thanks! Regards, Julio
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