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  1. Yes, I can see my data now. Thanks a lot.
  2. Thanks. I can connect now, but I have the feeling that the database is empty. Did I do something wrong?
  3. Thanks a lot, I could successfully create the user. Could you activate the remote access to this DB? Best, G.
  4. Dear all, Since my account was transferred to plesk, I can't access my postgresql database anymore. Should I ask again for activating the remote access ? username: gaubry database: gaubry(underscore)bibliography username: gaubry(underscore)gaubry There is one problem: plesk tells me that the bibliography DB has no user (as I could not connect to the DB, I indeed removed the gaubry(underscore)gaubry user) There are no users according to plesk in the database user management section, but if I try to create the gaubry(underscore)gaubry user, it tells me that Even though I removed the user, it seems that it still survives somewhere. Bonus question: is phppgadmin (or something similar) installed? I did not find a tool to browse my database. Thanks G.
  5. Thanks Krydos, the problem was solved. Cheers
  6. Hi, I have the feeling that I have the same problem than tycoonlover1359: my account was transferred to plesk but I fail to login with my username (gaubry) and my password. Is there any problem with my account? Best, G.
  7. Ups... Sorry, then I did a mistake in my request: Database name is gaubry_bibliography User is gaubry_gaubry Thanks!
  8. Thanks for the answer ! Apparently, gaubry_bibliography does not exist anymore. Did you change it? If yes, I'm ok with the change you did and you can proceed to open the remote access.
  9. Thanks. When it will be active, do I understand well that I have to connect to my database like this? $ psql -h <MYUSERNAME>.heliohost us -d <databaseName> -U <databaseUser>
  10. Hello, I also like to request remote access to one of my PostgreSQL database. Server: gaubry dot heliohost us Database Name: gaubry_bibliography Database user: gaubry_bibliography Access: all IPs Hope I posted at the right place! Best, GA
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