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Posts posted by Lu5ck

  1. With the recent explosion of Japanese Nuclear reactors, nuclear power has once again come under question. Some put the incident on par with the Three Mile Island accident in the US. However, the situation in the US was clearly much less troublesome than the one in Japan.


    Some also compare this accident of Chernobyl. Separately, with each reactor, this incident would not match the scale of Chernobyl. Cumulatively, though, do the six combined reactors come close? Do they surpass the incident in the Soviet Union? Furthermore, are western nations guilty of exaggerating the Chernobyl accident, and downplaying the Japanese accident? Simply some questions to consider.


    What is your opinion on this issue?


    Both incidents are different. Chernobyl had a explosion within the core while Fukushima's explosion is not within the core and is after the control rods are inserted.

  2. At the moment, Stevie's Server Load is above 100.00 - most services are temporarily down. :(


    This is a rare situation and we apologise for any inconvenience - hopefully this issue will be fixed within the next few hours. ;)


    Hi, I can access the cpanel. Ty

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