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  1. thankyou
  2. Username : Lu5ck Original domain : www.lu5ck.co.cc Addon domain : www.dynastysaga.co.cc The hosting account is queued, is it suppose to show this? since is a addon not a actual account ermm....
  3. Both incidents are different. Chernobyl had a explosion within the core while Fukushima's explosion is not within the core and is after the control rods are inserted.
  4. Hi, I can access the cpanel. Ty
  5. I can't access the cpanel at all, it shows me a page not found. When I switch to my ISP's alternative proxy, it shows internal error 500 - server too busy.
  6. Hi, I have just registered an account and the account have been created. The site is www.lu5ck.co.cc The site seem to be running but I can't access the cpanel, I have cleared my cache. Please advise.
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