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  1. Oh, I didn't see I could reissue certificates by myself. Thanks, Krydos. Anyways, why it doesn't renew the certificates having these options enabled by default?
  2. Hey, When I had my main domain switched to murilo.eu.org, Plesk generated a certificate for murilo.eu.org, which had www.murilo.eu.org and webmail.murilo.eu.org in scope, and other certificates for each subdomain I have. Recently, my certificates were renewed and that one no longer has webmail.murilo.eu.org in scope, and no different certificate was issued for it. Although the control panel has a message saying "Webmail not secured", I'm not seeing any options to generate a certificate like how the old one was, a wildcard certificate for my domain or a certificate only for webmail. Please help!
  3. Thank you so much!
  4. I want to have my main domain changed. Also, could you create a subdomain called "nnidlt" pointing to the the folder /public_html/nnidlt/? Thanks once again!
  5. Alright. Thanks!
  6. My eu.org domain (murilo.eu.org) was recently approved and I would like to switch from my heliohost.us domain (murilo.heliohost.us) to it. I already did set it to point to HelioHost's nameservers. Thanks!
  7. Oh, hey! Another brazilian using HelioHost's services!
  8. Oh, sorry, my bad. I typed the link manually. Hmm... weird. Yes, it's meant to give 400 since the JavaScript that pulls from that API looks for a response code different from 200 to display the error mesage. I can try using another response code I guess.
  9. I used to host that script in InfinityFree before I was moved to Plesk, and in there it works perfectly.
  10. Not really long. See yourself: https://murilo.heliohost.us/nnidlt/api.php?env=production&user_id=Krydos (Valid request.) https://murilo.heliohost.us/nnidlt/api.php?env=production&user_id= (Invalid request. The GET parameter user_id is required. The server should respond with 400 HTTP response code and a json-encoded message, but it doesn't for some reason and a weird Apache error occurs.) I don't know what to do.
  11. Makes sense. I'm gonna do that then.
  12. My PHP script is programmed to return a json-ecoded error when certain $_GET parameters are empty, but instead it is returning Apache's default 403 Forbidden screen + Plesk's 500 Internal Server Error screen Right after, the following stuff appear in the server logs: ModSecurity: Access denied with code 403 (phase 3). Match of "validateByteRange 0-31" against "ARGS:env" required. [file "/etc/httpd/conf/modsecurity.d/rules/comodo_free/30_Apps_OtherApps.conf"] [line "6649"] [id "243420"] [rev "4"] [msg "COMODO WAF: Information disclosure vulnerability in Eclipse Jetty before 9.2.9.v20150224 (CVE-2015-2080)||murilo.heliohost.us|F|2"] [severity "CRITICAL"] [tag "CWAF"] [tag "OtherApps"] [hostname "murilo.heliohost.us"] [uri "/nnidlt/api.php"] [unique_id "YqzLmsxfvqHEorQQS6SJXgAAARI"] (20014)Internal error: mod_fcgid: ap_pass_brigade failed in handle_request_ipc function Please help!
  13. I was also affected by Options -Indexes not working. In Plesk's website, they say directory listing is disabled by default, but in HelioHost it is enabled by default. Couldn't it be disabled, please?https://support.plesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002534354-How-to-enable-disable-directory-browsing-for-a-domain-in-Plesk-for-Linux
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