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  1. Really I'm not a big fan of football (Soccer), but for all the running, and entertaining they do I think it's pretty reasonable. PS. I think he means the football (American Football) team the Miami Dolphins /I'm American so I would know\
  2. Oh yeah I know a soldier that was in Iraq, and he said that "It's not as bad as the news says it is. They only show the bad not the good."
  3. To me It looks like an American Pie type comedy. It was made by the people who made "The 40 Year Old Virgin" right? It might be like that... I didn't see it yet though.
  4. Yep we just nuked Japan. I like that presidents thinking... (I forgot what president it was...) "American People. We are going to bomb the sh... I mean we are going to handle this in a calm manner. Anyone who goes to Japan after this. Some people might look weird... or have 5 eyes. Just don't make eye contact. Thank You."
  5. Look at what happened when we pulled out of Vietnam... HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF...
  6. I'm more of an up beat guy so a lot of the slow songs I don't like...
  7. I'm not sure if it was the worst, but it was kind of short to me...
  8. I would like a Lamborghini
  9. order? you mean ask right???Why does it matter if my skills are somewhat basic?? PS... I'm a ninja. ..
  10. hi, and welcome to heliohost
  11. cool me too, and I do track...
  12. ya... scary I was afraid to watch the rest of the movie
  13. OK and that's why you play sports or jog or do something active...
  14. I watched this movie Saturday... It was awesome It even beat Bourne Ultimatum
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