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Everything posted by khallows
No it hasn't changed yet but I'll use the domain script again. If it doesn't change within 2 days I'll let you guys know As soon as I used the change domain script the domain changed. Thanks. Everything is going great now!
Amcrest was added to the deletion queue, so that's why it's probably not in the database?. If you guys are nice enough to remove that account, it would be great! Thanks. And I agree about there's always a new twist
Yeah sorry about that. I will delete my Amcrest account right now using the delete script. Then if the Khallows domain doesn't work I'll bother you guys again. Thanks for the help, and welcome to the forum. Haven't seen you around before but you sure are damn helpful! !%$# It's going to take a couple of weeks for Amcrest to be deleted. Darn it! I guess this is what I get for breaking rules <:<(
That's my other account. But yeah... It's getting awkward. I have two accounts. Long story Thanks alot though. My own stupidity caused this problem
Another user? Is it by any chance "Amcrest" ?
Yes it works going into the root. But not for cPanel. Stats Main Domain handmadebyerika.com Home Directory /home1/khallows Last login from Disk Space Usage 58.21 / 250 MB Monthly Bandwidth Transfer 0 / ∞ MB Email Accounts 0 / ∞ Subdomains 0 / ∞ Parked Domains 0 / ∞ Addon Domains 0 / ∞ FTP Accounts 2 / ∞ SQL Databases 2 / ∞ Mailing Lists 0 / ∞ Hosting package HelioHost Server Name stevie cPanel Version 11.28.83 Theme x3 Apache version 2.2.16 PHP version 5.3.3 MySQL version 5.0.91-community Architecture x86_64 Operating system linux Shared IP Address Path to sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail Path to Perl /usr/bin/perl Perl version 5.8.8 Kernel version 2.6.18-194.26.1.el5 cPanel Pro 1.0 (RC1) Service Status Click to View Is it possible for an admin to manually change it like before the script came out? Because the main domain used to change as well, and I wouldn't have any probs. with softaculus.
I know it doesn't really solve your problems of not being able to use the scripts to change your main domain, but you could use a parked domain to send anyone who tries to open theemonkey.com to your webpage in the root directory and anyone who accesses handmadebyerika.com (as long as you keep the nameservers pointed to heliohost and keep paying your registrar) would send them to the same page. You can read more about parked domains at http://wiki.helionet.org/wiki/Parked,_Add...#Parked_Domains If the issue is handmadebyerika.com is going away and you need a new main domain the above wouldn't solve your problem. @admins Btw, the page http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts lists Domain Change as one of the options but it links to http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/status which just checks new accounts to see if they are done being created, doesn't it? @khallows Is this the script you have been trying? http://heliohost.org/scripts/domain.php If not it might be worth it to try it one more time. Thanks for the quick reply. I used the domain change a couple of times during the past week. I know HelioHost can take a while to change main domain's, but it hasn't been working. http://theemonkey.com/ takes me to my HelioHost root. I can see the directory, etc. When I login to cPanel it says my main domain is "handmadebyerika.com" and when I try installing wordpress using Softaculus I can only choose to install it to "Handmadebyerika.com" in the drop down select box. When I install it there I can only see the site through handmadebyerika.com , theemonkey.com continues to show a directory? It's really confusing, hopefully an admin can change my main domain. If not my last resort will be manually uploading WP to the root, and seeing if it works through theemonkey.com
First off all sorry for posting in this category. I could not find the domain change post, and the script hasn't worked for me in a week. I tried the domain change on the heliohost.org , but it's not changing. I would like for handmadebyerika.com to be changed to theemonkey.com my account is khallows. Thanks alot
Ftw, and your stats. I run my own site and with over 2,000 visitors in total Chrome is 60% used. Firefox is 30%. And Internet explorer 20%. Other 10%. Everyone uses Chrome. It's on the Google homepage for christ sake
No problem. Glad to help. Love your site, and the work that you do. Could you post the fanpage when you are finished with it? Just curious how it'll look
Just wondering when the text is highlighted in black
HelioHost.org will do things such as these sometimes. Don't panic. It's been happening more often because of the move to Cody. You can try Superkalo's trick for redirecting but it won't help if HelioHost is really down. Let us know if you're all right now
No it is not necessary. You create one at Facebook so I believe everything is visual. http://www.facebook.com/pages/create.php?c...m&extra_1=0 Read these two guides on more help http://www.dontdrinkthekoolaidblog.com/how...ebook-fan-page/ http://www.allfacebook.com/facebook-page-strategy-2009-03 The last link is 2 years outdated but it's still a nice tut. Just make the page nice and simple and you should be good
Nice site by the way! Looks interesting. Is that your band or a client's?
Thanks djbob. You're the best, and the baddest around town
Aren't you an admin? Lol? Right, Byron is, and you are not. Every time that image loads, server resources are being used. Yes this is minimal with something simple like Bryon's script, but letting users put anything they want in their sigs sets a scary precedent, especially when like Bryon said, the image is reserved for admins. As per my original post, my question was exactly that--a question. I wasn't accusing you of anything. If you can give a good reason regarding why you need the server load image in your signature, then I'll probably allow it. However, simply "why not?" does not seem like a reasonable argument to me. @rvt that's probably a better idea than what we have now. Someone should talk to djbob about hosting stats onsite (heliohost.org.) I am sorry about that question I did not know he was responding about the Sig. I took this to mean server load images as in the tables Admin's can see of the queue. That is why I was asking how come he himself cannot see it. I thought he was saying something else. Sorry I had limited time to reply. The reason I put it up was because I wanted to be able to see it any time I was on the forum. Sometimes there isn't an admin in sight and I cannot find the server load without going to the server load link. I didn't think it would be too much because Stevie handles 22,000 + users and this forum. Loading a few hundred of those Sigs would equal maybe half a minute spent on a website hosted on Stevie. If it's such a big problem and seems to set such a rebellious image for Users against Admins/Stevie's resources I won't bother. I will just wait for the stats to be integrated. But enough talk about this stuff It's taking up too much of Stevie's and our time. A simple heads up would have worked Sorry if I'm completely wrong and Sig's do take more resources then inferred. Cheers.
Who got the begining of the world right?
khallows replied to Ch33se H4ck3r's topic in Philosophy, Politics, and Science
Yeah I saw your site BTW. I was surprised that you are 15. I'm turning 15 in 2 months. . For a second I thought I was having an educated discussion with a grown person. I was shocked to find out you're my age But when I said I don't believe in religion that kind of means that I don't believe in what God was meant to do. That he is pure and all that. I merely said I believe in God. I also believe God is everyone. I do not know who or God is other then the being who def. exists and urges on life. I think that is all he does and will do. That is all he is responsible for whether God is the universe, a plant etc. I have no clue who he is but I believe in that being. The universe is all powerful and if I am scientifically correct time is infinite. It means if the universe continues to expand and implode on it's self it will go on forever. Which means in infinity time there will be a time when I talk to you again, and the only difference is that my name doesn't include an H. That's kind of the theory of other universes but the truth is it's juts infinity time, and everything is possible in infinity. If the ability to have all possibly isn't God I don't know what is. Everything that is involved would be God then. All is nothing and nothing is all is what it comes down to. But in the end God does not effect your life for the same reasons demons do not effect you. A demon cannot kill you. It does NOT make sense in the world. Thus an Angel or God cannot save you. It's *UCKING retarded to think God gave you a miracle when your Cancer went away. Stop thinking that Bull because God did not choose you over million of starving children in poverty. You are just damn lucky accept the fact and get on. But the thing is God pushes MOST people. So religion is favorable and will be for a while. It exists because it exists in everyone's mind. It helps every day. What I hate most about it is the fact that it comes with fear. When you are at church as a kid etc they show you demons and what not. Really what is all that shit? I hated that as a child. Scares the *UCK out off me for no good reason. It's actually proven positive experiences make you learn better then negative. But of course most authors of the bible did not know this as they stood beating their meat and thinking how to scare the shit out of his neighbor's kid so they stop stealing his cows. I'm just being an ass right now because even these stories inspire people. It's perceptive. Some people might read the book and say GAY, other's might fall in love with it and MEMORIZE the whole damned thing. AKA the bible. The cover has NOTHING to do with it. It's all perspective. Just like the way "The Catcher in the Rye" was misinterpreted by millions. -
I just don't understand why I can't have it
Who got the begining of the world right?
khallows replied to Ch33se H4ck3r's topic in Philosophy, Politics, and Science
I do not believe in religion. I believe in God, and I believe in science. As I've stated science proves some things but god is there and only god can give life. I do not believe in Religion because it was invented by man. I will not follow something invented by another as myself. I will only follow god. Religion is good for those needing support and superstition. You can blame your good or bad on religion/praying/god. Also it teaches young children basic things as to not kill or steal. These things are embedded forever. I personally do not need religion, and I would have known without it that to kill a man is wrong. Religion is bad because it causes wars etc. There is no ultimate religion. If a child grows up in India a Budapest, or a Jew etc, God will not close the gates to heaven. He will not say GO FU*K yourself you stinking jew. You had it all wrong your entire life. No because that child grew up that way and wouldn't know what is right. He did not pick the wrong religion on purpose. Thus God accepts all religions as long as they do not harm your self, others, or the world. As stated before there probally isn't no heaven or hell. It is just eternal understanding and clarity where Good and Bad does not matter and is as confusing as the big bang itself. -
Who got the begining of the world right?
khallows replied to Ch33se H4ck3r's topic in Philosophy, Politics, and Science
The scientific fact that God created life is that rocks do not evolve. The end. The big bang was always chem. and rocks. They cannot evolve into life. Some say amino acids mixed in boiling pools of water on earth over billions of years. That's bull. -
Yeah that's true I'm still seeing it in cPanel. Thanks for escalating it. Hopefully it's just taking a while because of the transfers/crashes we've had lately. As for the Sig, why am I not allowed to have it. Lol, I feel like I broke some rule but I have no clue what
Aren't you an admin? Lol? I have the registar temp. forwarding the domain to another place. The name servers are going to HelioHost.org though. I've logged into cPanel and the main domain still hasn't changed Do you think it's possible, if the domain doesn't change by friday; that djbob can add me to the top of the queue or manually change it?
Wait why can't I have the server load? And my domain still hasn't been changed... So yeah... That probably wasn't a good idea. I was worried that you adding it as a parked domain and at the same time I was changing the domain name to the same name might have screwed with the domain name change process. That's why I had you check again. Let's just hope it didn't. If godaddy offers an option to redirect without changing the nameservers than go for it. Is there anyway for you to see that I'm in the queue for the name change?
How can I automatically follow all topics I post in? Just wondering I need emails for everything