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Reza Torabi

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Everything posted by Reza Torabi

  1. Yes jisogon... It worked for me...!
  2. My site still has this problem. When is it going to be solved. It's about 3 days.
  3. Thanks for your advice I'll try that...
  4. Thanks jje, I want two completely independent websites, so that when i type domain1.co.cc it will go to one of them and when i type domain2.co.cc it will go to the other one and i want to manage them separately: for example one website is at root/home1 and the other one is at root/home2, so their files are completely separated. Can anybody tell me exactly what should i do? Thanks in Advance for Your Help...
  5. Hi Thanks for your good free hosting I've got a question... Can I have two accounts of heliohost.org at the same time? Thanks...
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