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Everything posted by maelep

  1. I already added that, it in htaccess that comes with Ember. RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/([^.]+)\.(png|jpg|gif|css|js|otf|ico) [NC] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !public/ RewriteRule (.*) public/$1 [L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !public/ RewriteRule ^ public/index.php [QSA,L] SetEnvIf Authorization "(.*)" HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=$1 DirectorySlash Off
  2. It's 7.3.14: https://prnt.sc/wd00i6 Ember requirements: https://prnt.sc/wd00vu
  3. The default one of your hosting, it's 7.4 I think. A friend use HexaneNetworks host and it's working.
  4. No, I don't have any mails in spam and I can't use IMAP because your service isn't compatible with Gmailify so I'm forced to use Pop3
  5. I added my HelioHost email to Gmail using POP3. It was working perfectly for some days but not anymore. I changed anything, I receive mail in the HelioHost webmail then disappear because should transferred to Gmail but I don't receive it in my Gmail box. Any idea how to resolve this?
  6. The error comes from the plugin and it's a customized one ("Unauthorized") but the code code source of the plugin is: Puts ("Checking connection to server"); config.Token = "myPrivateToken" config.Host = "https://rust.maelep.be" headers = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "Authorization", "Bearer " + config.Token }, { "Accept", "application/json" } }; webrequest.Enqueue (config.Host + "/api/server/connectioncheck", null, (code, response) => { if (code != 200 || response == null) { Puts ($"Connection failed. Response: {response}"); return; } Puts ("Connection established and token validated successfully"); }, this, RequestMethod.GET, headers); if (config.PollingInterval > 0) { timer.Every (config.PollingInterval, () => { PollUsers (); }); } And the source code of "connectioncheck" of the CMS is too hard to find but I found some files that can probably help you. I sent you it in private. An answer from the developer:
  7. I'm using a simple website CMS, you can see it at https://rust.maelep.be and this one comes with a Rust's game plugin that link my website to my game server. Players who buy a package on my website will make my website send a command to my game server that will grant the package. To make it works, I have to "sync" the plugin to my website but it doesn't seems to be possible to do that with changing a parameter in Apache. (I'm noob at this, I don't know the parameter). The CMS is Ember from https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/5620 (PAID) The plugin is https://umod.org/plugins/ember (FREE) Plugins use CSharp web request, it was working with my old web host (https://www.easyhost.be/en/) and it isn't a VPS so I supposed that changing the parameter needed will break anything. I'm discussing with the developer of Ember and he said:
  8. Hello, I need to access Apache configuration because I have an issue with a CMS: "the latter could be due to your web server not passing the authorization header to PHP, which might happen when using Apache & PHP FPM". He said that a simple setting can change this. How can I access Apache config?
  9. Just nameserver, that's all?! Thank you!
  10. Hello, I discovered your service and I think I already love it but I'm lost. I would like to only use my domain (OVH) for the domain and use HelioHost for the rest. How can I point my domain website to HelioHost? How can I receive email mymail@mydomain.com and then use Gmail as client (Pop3).I was using my domain provider to redirect all email to my Gmail address then I added my email address @mydomain to Gmail to be able to send email as. But I never managed to use my old webhost at the same time because when I pointed my domain to my web host, I was not able to receive my emails anymore and when I finally managed to receive my emails in Gmail, I didn't have access to my website anymore . I never managed to do what I wanted to do: Use OVH only for my domain name and subdomains.Use HelioHost for the rest.Receive my mail in Gmail and send as.Can you help me? I'm totally lost... EDIT: I think I managed to get emails but still have issue with my website...
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