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  1. I guess it's okay, but it's kind of normal. It has the same concept of any normal forum sig.
  2. Name: Thia, female Country: U.S. Age: 15 Likes: Reading, music, graphics, and art. Trying: To get enough posts for hosting ^^
  3. Just because she's a Clinton doesn't mean she can do the things Bill Clinton did. She might just be the exact opposite of him. I really don't know who I like right now, so I'm just in the middle.
  4. I am originally from Africa but I live in North America now ^^
  5. Whee!!!
  6. Action, Acting, Actor, Actress, Anonymous, Ash, Age, Answer, Add, Ant, Applications, Award, Asteroid.
  7. Yes, I am real. If I am able to touch, feel, smell, and see, then I am real. I am not able to walk through walls so I am real. ^^
  8. Yes, there is a God. If there wasn't, we wouldn't be living the life we're living now. Only God makes the sun go up and sun go down. who makes the rain fall, Who grows the plant, who gives us our life source? Only God. Just look at the Bible, every event that occurred has been recorded and you'll see that God was a part in creating this world. The animals of this world were created by God to be taken care of by the humans, who were created in God's image. This is only my opinion.
  9. I really don't know why she had to go and shave her head. She could have just gone to rehab and worked things through, but she decided to go crazy. Hope she gets better.
  10. I like Matrix because of all the special effects and the action scenes. That's basically why I watch Matrix---> the action scenes!
  11. I have watched both the movies and my favorite will have to be the first one. The plot was a lot more interesting than the second one. Although the second one did have some great scenes, it was not as great as the first one.
  12. I am listening to Over it by Katharine McPhee.
  13. My favorite colors are blue and green ^^ Because both colors remind me of the ocean.
  14. Twilight and New Moon by Stephenie Meyer are good ^^ Also, Avalon books (The Tree of Avalon, etc.) are also good. Inkspell, Eragon, Eldest are also another good books.
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