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About myscrnnm

  • Birthday 03/21/1991

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  1. Gamemaster_268: Message Censored, Myscrnnm Permanent ban(same rule 5 times? does he have bad memory loss or something? This is exactly why I think he's unintelligent
  2. One of Webster's definitions of marriage is, "the state of being united to a person of the same [bleeped!] in a relationship like that of a traditional marriage" I mean, if the Webster dictionary can adapt 2 the changes in society, y shouldn't the law? It is just stupid and pointless 2 argue against people being with the people they love.
  3. Yes, certain inane humans. But the majority, like when u c them as a whole, humans r typically superior. Though obviously not physically, but it is the brains that count.
  4. lol, that is foolish. Most televisions (or at least all of my televisions, I use Sony) come preloaded with basic censoring features, although not as effective as Clearplay appears 2 b.
  5. Yes, unless u r being very suspicious and causing suspicion, u should b able 2 keep what u r doing 2 yourself.
  6. I mean, it's just embarrassing. Would u want people 2 b gawking at your naked body after u die? Must be some sort of phobia................
  7. Well, that's a different matter. Some people need 2 b physically punished. I mean, if u kill someone or something, u need 2 b reprimanded 4 doing so.
  8. C? He did good stuff too. He made a contribution 2 the world b4 he died. Now people all over the world can learn from his experiments. 4 instance, a lot of this knowledge is used in instructing people going into extreme conditions. And it is vital 4 them 2 know how long they can survive submerged into freezing water.
  9. And that's exactly y the Korps Commander is wrong. Self injury and suicide should b made legal not just here, but everywhere. The world would b a much better place.
  10. Yes, then if possible, I will have 2 incinerate my body b4 I die.
  11. Yes, but I was referring 2 dominatrices.
  12. Not all drugs r bad. Only the ones that r used as street drugs. 4 instance, heroin, opium, methamphetamine, et cetera. And those abused as street drugs, such as Ritalin. I mean, I use drugs 2, but merely 4 the benefit of my health. When I say drugs, I am referring 2 street drugs. I mean, u were being vague as well when u said "drink", u were obviously referring 2 alcoholic drinking, but it is commonly accepted as that, so I did not question it. So I would appreciate it is u did the same.
  13. She drinks a little. Like one tiny cup a year. That is so insignificant that I would hardly call it drinking. And I admit my ignorance in the realm of slang. I do not know the meaning of the term "dropping acid". Acid is a term for lsd, a psychedelic drug that can be taken orally in liquid or solid form, or by absorption through the skin. Dropping acid is synonymous to taking lsd. Then no, the only drugs my mother takes r prescription drugs.
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