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  1. I like IE7, but FF is my fav.
  2. Defenatley the wii. It has motion detected controls (I think PS3 has that too.), and it costs much less.
  3. http://www.tizag.com/phpT/ good learning site.
  4. That was real informative! So you do you believe in the fictional sacred text of Christianity to? Or do you think that heaven is a never ending land of ice cream and extremely hot babes? If your Christian its obvious that you believe you will worship for for eternity, since that is what your fictional sacred text says. and for all of you Christians out there WHY ARE YOU ON THE COMPUTER? Stop sinning, it clearly says in the bible itself that though shall live the simplest of lives and though shalt not have idles. So if you have been on the computer more than you have been with god you, as they say in my town, are going to rot in hell were the devil will? make you listen to michael jakson! you offend me! D:
  5. Hmm... I think God is real.
  6. a cheap VuPoint cam. (bought at a Meijer, Meijers are only found in the Midwest United States)
  7. James Brown - Play that Funky Music White Boy "PLAY THAT FUNKY MUSIC WHITE BOYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!" lol
  8. oh god is she scary now!
  9. details on new server?
  10. Can someone help me learn photoshop?
  11. If you like a good prank, Prank the Monkey by John Hargrave looks like a good book.
  12. it almost *bleep* my FF.
  13. im into it kinda, but my cam isn't even a megapixel...
  14. defenately Windblows cause alot of goog programs run on it.
  15. Google being flooded, haha.
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