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  1. I donated 2 dollars after reading this post but the donation was made with an other account (gekigek.99.dum01@gmail.com) can you tell the system that the donation was made from this account? (paypal transaction id is 5L662130HP7416904)
  2. wow incredible work! I'm very glad to be "part of the team" (probably "part of the process" is more correct ahahah) keep it up because you are doing an FANTASTIC work!!!
  3. I know I had problems with discontinuation for inactivity: even thought I accessed once or twice a week I still received a mail saying that my account was discontinued for inactivity... (I received a mail 1 week ago saying that I had one week to access again to avoid the suspension, so I did that and still received a mail (6 february) saying that my account was suspended due to inactivity, and I received one today (8 february) saying the same thing...) (I did not report it when I received the first email because I thought the problem was solved) I hope it can be recovered in some way since I had some data which was not backed up since 10 days...
  4. server: tommy (?) domain: minecraft-server-hibernation.heliohost.us I had my account moved from ricky to tommy with a donation but now I am unable to access to heliohost anymore: it seems that my email does not exist and the password is incorrect (I cannot reset the password because the email is not found and if I insert the username I don't receive any reset email) what should I do?
  5. after the movement now I can't access my account on heliohost... the site says that there is not my email in the database... what should I do?
  6. ok thanks
  7. I would like to have my account switched to tommy because ricky is now down for maintenance. my username is: gekigek9 the transaction id is: 20522726274464208 or this: 5ER37504F8869444S (I don't know which one is the correct one) thanks
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