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Everything posted by rmx1986

  1. Thank you Eventually connected to the new server's database simply with 'localhost' - mysqli_connect("localhost" ..) Before i had tommy2.heliohost.org that's why i wasn't seeing the changes of the database from PhpMyAdmin On the old server i had mysqli_connect("tommy2.heliohost.org"..) with no problem, but on new server if i have mysqli_connect("tommy.heliohost.org"..) I have warning: Access denied so i just leave it as 'localhost' On the other hand If i try remote connection to the database with mysqli_connect("tommy.heliohost.org"..) it connected with no problem
  2. Can you add the domain: onwebs.eu ?
  3. hi, my heliohost.org username: rmx1986 I have many problems after moved to the new server. 1) My site disappeared after the moving to the new server. The domain is: onwebs.eu Please add the same domain (onwebs.eu) again. Now there is only the subdomain 'onwebs.eu.gr.heliohost.org' However, the folder of the domain is still there (FTP) 2) There is problem with the database on PhpMyAdmin If you update a field in database via .php it will update normally and you will see the results with php (mysql query - mysqli_connect("tommy2.heliohost.org") or .."localhost") but if you enter on PhpMyAdmin you will see the database how was it two days ago (September 27, 2024) not the updated database after September 27th. Also the same happens if you download the database, there are new records which are not present in the mysql file PhpMyAdmin - Database Field Database record (image above) stuck on 27th while the 'ip' and the 'date' is updated with .php (mysql query) but you cannot see that on PhpMyAdmin Also if you change the database fields from PhpMyAdmin you will not see the changes on the website (php) how it looks from website (php file) While on website (php) you can see the updated values (IP, Date) on PhpMyAdmin the values stuck on September 27th as shown in the database fields above It's like i see the old database (on the old server) and i have no access via PhpMyAdmin to the new database with the updated records after September 27th (on the new server) 3) I have a weather station (Arduino) it sends data every 1 hour with 'GET' to .php file It also stopped to send data after September 27th while it was sending data before 27th The above is an example with 'openssl' program on linux and it works on the new server (it update a field in the database - the changes are not visible in the PhpMyAdmin only from php (previous problem)), the Arduino sends the same (GET /s.php?m=...) like above example but with AT Commands this was working before 27th, not now I wonder why while it works on linux it doesn't work on Arduino anymore. Do have you changed something (firewall etc) that have to do with it? I looking to find something different between the old and new server that could affect this.. Something different with SSL? ..The previous server used TLSv1.3 as the new server? The previous server was nginx? These are the problems appeared after the moving to the new server. Please try to fix these issues and answer all my questions.
  4. Hello, When i logged in it showed this message: "If you donate $2 you can move in front of 822 other people which would put you in position #1 to be transferred to the new control panel which would result in an estimated transfer date of 2022-11-13." So i make a donation $2 via PayPal. The donation has been credited to the email address admin@burningbonesmusic.com I also contact to you because of this: "That email address isn't the one you created your hosting account with please let us know" My hosting account (heliohost.org) email: papadopoulosxxx@gmail.com username: rmx1986 PayPal Transaction Number: 25V62347YD6012436
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