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  1. I want to keep my current subdomain. I want ceedate.com to be added as an additional domain
  2. Please I want the domain ceedate.com to be added to my account Account name: hajgloba
  3. My account was archived due to inactivity. Please unarchive it. Username:Joyhajok
  4. My account was archived due to inactivity. Please unarchive it. Username: hajgloba
  5. I'm having problems with db. I just tried to create a database via cPanel and i am getting "The MySQL server is currently offline". Any helps? Thank You, Server name: Johnny Cpanel username: joyhajok Website: hajglobal.com
  6. I'm having problems with db. I just tried to create a database via cPanel and i am getting "The MySQL server is currently offline". Any helps? Thank You, Server name: Johnny Cpanel username: joyhajok Website: hajglobal.com
  7. Please help me out
  8. It's still showing that gmp hasn't been installed on my server. Please can you help me to install it on https://hajglobal.heliohost.org Please he me out
  9. It's still showing that gmp hasn't been installed on my server. Please can you help me to install it on https://hajglobal.heliohost.org Please he me out
  10. My heliohost username is hajglobal. Please help me to install GMP php extension
  11. Hi, I need gmp to be installed in ricky to run an app. Can you install gmp extension in ricky please? I'm using php version 7.2
  12. Please unsuspend my account. Server: ricky
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