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Everything posted by sepiqon

  1. I changed it: registry.addEndpoint("/onlineusers").setAllowedOrigins("*") .withSockJS();to: registry.addEndpoint("/onlineusers").setAllowedOrigins("*");and Java deployment failed When using SockJS, I have the error: WebSocket connection to "ws://sepiqon.heliohost.org/sepiqon_server2SockJS/onlineusers/.../.../websocket" failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 400, (and adres: "wss://sepiqon.heliohost.org/sepiqon_server2/onlineusers/.../.../websocket") without SockJS, I tried to connect to the url: wss://sepiqon.heliohost.org/sepiqon_server2/onlineusers but I don't know if the url works: wss://sepiqon.heliohost.org/onlineusers (https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/37604-java-websocket-connection-failure/?p=168706) Please help with SockJS I cannot connect to the last two addresses, Please help file .war deployed: sepiqon_server2SockJS.war file without SockJS: sepiqon_server2.war Please help!
  2. Hello, I often have "Java deployment failed with errors.".Can I see what this error is?...without error : max_user_connectionsI'm sorry for frequent deploy Name war: sepiqon_server2.war
  3. Sorry, but everything works thank you, I have another question, Can I update my war file, I'm worried about HTTPS
  4. I understand, thank you for your help. The 404 error is still there. I have to wait?
  5. i would like https, but i also want to be able to connect to MySql
  6. Deployed. http://sepiqon.heliohost.org/sepiqon_server2/ error 404 - not found
  7. Welcome! I'm having problem with deploying my file .war. Username: sepiqon Domain: sepiqon.heliohost.org My war file: sepiqon_server.war Server: johnny.heliohost.org I did read this post: https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/28053-solved-deploy-war-app-request/page-3?hl=maven&do=findComment&comment=128900 But it doesn't working for me... I get error "Java deployment failed with errors. For further information please contact support.", previously the code 404 on sepiqon.heliohost.org/sepiqon_service This app works on local tomcat.
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