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  1. I can not access my account. Does it remain unavailable until CLAMAV responds to my false-positive report?
  2. I have submitted the suspect file to CLAMAV since none of the antivirus or malware scanners could detect any issue with the file, after downloading a backup to local computer. I hope my account shall remain active as CLAMAV is working on this, since the 24-hours that I was given shall be elapsing soon. I believe that it was a false-positive detection.
  3. Thanks. It now works. Let me review the files and do the necessary.
  4. Thanks for the response. However, I still can not access my account to check on the suspected infection. Am not being authenticated by CPanel however many times I try logging in. Please help me access my account so that I can review the files and confirm the suspected malware.
  5. username - wwb server - stevie domain - wweb-solutions.com
  6. HelioHost username - wwb Server - Stevie HelioHost main domain - wweb-solutions.com
  7. Thanks for the hint. The file has been removed, though it has been static for over 4 months. Something in the scanner could be giving a false positive. Let me see alternatives, but for now the file is already deleted.
  8. Thanks a lot for allowing me access. Am downloading the backup ready for scanning with ESET. I shall confirm the status. Admin, I have scanned the downloaded backup with both ESET and Malwarebytes, our corporate tools, but nothing was found. Please provide me with details of the offending file before I report this as false positive. I confirm that I have not done any file/data/site upgrades in the last one month, hence this is quite a strange occurrence.
  9. username: wwb server: stevie heliohost main domain: wwebsolutions.co.cc
  10. Thanks for your quick action.
  11. username - wwb server - stevie main domain - wwebsolutions.co.cc
  12. Thanks a million. It now works. Thanks too for the very fast action on this.
  13. username = wwb Server = stevie domain = wwebsolutions.co.cc
  14. Thank you for the guide. I followed the tutorial and managed to install Akeeba and backed up the site. However, jUpgrade component could not install. I kept getting an error message. After three tries and two re-downloads I gave up on jUpgrade. That is when I read somewhere that upgrading 1.6 to 1.7 has been made easy by just a click. This is the process: - on the backend, click on Extension Manager - Update - then purge cache - then click on Find updates, upon which an entry of the new 1.7 should show - just click the checkbox and update My first update attempt gave me an error that some two directories could not update A retried the process of of Update a second time and it worked. I now see that the backend Joomla version is 1.7.1 Am able to logon to CPanel without a problem and it seems my database is still intact (though I have not yet checked phpMyAdmin). However, the site pages seem to work.
  15. My January trick of forcing Joomla installation onto the root has come back to haunt me. When I installed that first Joomla, I put it on the /joomla16 folder. I later had to copy it to the root to enable the URL of my site be accessible without adding /joomla16. By that time, I had not developed any site pages or modules, so the risk was low and there was nothing to loose. Now I have developed a site with articles, modules and databases. My current problem is that softaculous still remembers that joomla was installed in /joomla16. It has forced the upgrade of joomla 1.7 to be installed on the /joomla16 folder. However, since January, all my Joomla site and structure is being done at the root. (I have not yet logged onto the /joomla16 to finalize the upgrade, since this is not what I expected. Nonetheless, my site is still working well based on joomla 1.6 on the root). Can I get help on either upgrading Joomla1.6 to Joomla1.7 without softaculous or forcing softaculous to install the upgrade on the root. I can not see an option of changing the default installation location when doing an upgrade with softaculous. Your valuable help is always appreciated.
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