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Everything posted by forsythe

  1. My account has been suspended: "Your website has been disabled because it exceeded the 24 hour limit of 100 GB memory or 10,000 CPU." Can you please unsuspend my account? Both of my websites (timforsythe.com and gigatrees.com) are rarely visited by actual humans, so I can't imagine how they could have exceeded either of those two limits. Hopefully there will be some indication on the load page.
  2. Thanks, but I've not heard anything. I made a new request on the Discord server for Heliohost.
  3. I need to reset my Heliohost password. Can you please send me a reset link to tjforsythe@gmail.com
  4. Thanks, I had inadvertently uploaded a php.ini file from another hosting service, which was apparently being read, so my extensions directory was invalid. I delete the file, and everything came back online.
  5. I am getting a "Fatal error: Class 'PDO' not found" where I was not previously. I had recently moved some code around, but after restoring it I'm still getting this error. Is there some trick to pointing to the extension properly. The line causing the fault is: $dbh = new PDO('sqlite:'.$db_name); The php.ini in my root folder has extension = sqlite3.soextension = pdo_sqlite.so phpinfo has PDO drivers mysql, pgsql, sqlite
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