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Everything posted by spforsom

  1. Hi, I want to delete VPS.
  2. its in my vps spforsomvps
  3. Hi, I need to upgrade RAM to 2 gb, I tried doing it but was not sure if I did it.
  4. I tried changing the SSH port to something else but got locked out. Looked look port 22 is enforced from somewhere externally. Could you you please help me update my ssh file and ufw rules to default so that I can access using the default port. if possible, I would like to change my ssh port to port 212.
  5. Could you please change my main domain to savingsandtax.com? Username: spforsom
  6. Hi, thank you for getting back. I'd like to start with 5$ per month plan. Yes, lets do Mars then. Also, if I could keep Tommy then it would be great. Thanks, Subash
  7. ActualIy, I was looking to purchase VPS plans but chose Morty instead thinking it was a VPS plan and it seems like it's the same one. Could you please help me get a VPS and cancel my Morty account? All the data can also be deleted.
  8. HI my username is spforsom, i want to change the domain to I mentioned here swasthyadentalwellness.com.np
  9. I want my main domain to be redirected to theoverseas.org. Thank you. Username: spforsom
  10. my main domain needs to be changed to merry.care thanks username:spforsom
  11. Sorry, my bad,. I want it to be connected to merry.care
  12. Please change my main domain to sukarmi.com Thank you.
  13. yes, please feel free to delete and create new one, it is backed up.
  14. yes, i will need it backed up
  15. hi, I have provided the 1.00 $ payment.
  16. hi, happy to move to more powerful server if you provide one.
  17. please change my main domain to sukarmi.com
  18. Add domain
  19. My account has again been archived. Can you please unarchive it?
  20. Please unarchive my account. I was in quarantine so could not log in.
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