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Everything posted by gad1001

  1. username: gad1001 Apparently my account has been archived and I would like it reenabled. Thank you
  2. Hello, I would like to renew my account after being inactive. Thank you!
  3. thanks pyyaml==5.1 pycocotools>=2.0.1 opencv-python torch 1.6 detectron2 -f \https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/detectron2/wheels/cpu/torch1.6/index.html thanks again
  4. I'm sorry if this is a silly nooby question, i'm a total beginner on running Python on a web server. I'd like to run a Python script that requires some packages (such as pymal, pytorch, torch, opencv, pycocotools and detectron2). Is it possible to install them on the Python version installed on the server? How do i do that? In my pc i would do pip install but there is no terminal here Thanks in advance. (B.T.W. I am using Rick if it changes)
  5. Hello, I would like to renew my account after being inactive. Username: gad1001 Thank you!
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