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Everything posted by coffeeha

  1. at https://johnny.heliohost.org:2083/ I get "The login is invalid." Edit: creating a new password did the trick, ftp'ing works, and also login in at the link provided. Thank you very much!!
  2. I keep getting issues with my cpanel password: If I try to login in the cpanel page directly (as you pointed out in your first post), and the same happens if I try to ftplogin: authentication fails with my password (using filezilla ftpclient). Could you provide me with any tips to use ftp and not block me out again ?
  3. Sorry, blocked again because of ftp-issues... I can't get in with the credentials provided, tried eventually with this but I'm blocked so don't know if this works Could you please unblock me again (I feel like I keep forgetting the keys of my house... )
  4. Thank you for unblocking AND for the tip, that was driving me nuts
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