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Everything posted by shadow

  1. Your down stairs and there is three light switches to three lights upstairs how do you find out which light switch is for which light bulb only going upstairs once???
  2. the answer to my riddle was time
  3. Your mommas so fat when she back up you hear a beep beep beep wide load caution.
  4. Your mommas so stupid she called the information line and asked "how long is it from los angeles to new york" the lady said one minute miss your mom said thank you goodbye
  5. Krazy boi those books are addicting and wicked good i just pre ordered the last one.
  6. What can kill and never be killed
  7. Yeah me too. Nod
  8. your mommas so stupid
  9. shadow


    A frog jumped out of a magical forest into a normal forest and since he lived in a magical forest all his life he had magical powers. The frog saw a bear chasing a rabbit and the frog said for three wishes will you both stop the bear and rabbit agreed. The bear wished for all the other female in the forest to be girls poof it happened the rabbit wished for a crash helmet poof it happened the bear thought that rabbit is stupid. The bear wished for all the other bears in the country to be female poof it happened the rabbit wished for a motorcycle poof it happened. The bear thought reallly hard and he wished all the other bears in the world were female poof it happened the rabbit put on the helmet started the motorcycle jumped on and said i wish that bear is gay and zoomed off.
  10. Your moms so fat when she asked for a water bed they laid a giant blanket over lake michagin.
  11. Pirates of the carribean are good movies cant wait for the third Pirates of the carribean at worlds end
  12. Yes i have to agree the first dumbledore in the first two movies was a good actor but still i cant wait for the 5th one coming out.
  13. Ghost rider is a very good movie but thats my opinion hope you that see it like it.
  14. i used to have pokemon red for gameboy it was sweet.
  15. I recommend anyone who wants a wii get one because they are really great.
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