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Everything posted by costcowh

  1. Hello sir I'm a donor to heliohost you can check it at anytime when I'm donate money to heliohost on go fund me it said this grant me immunity of suspension 5$ for one month and i have 4 month suspension immunity but my account is suspended without any reason I'm not do any illegal or anything wrong please check it my details mentioned below Email: Karachi@post.com Username: karachi
  2. i'm trying to login as same as you saying but still Same error
  3. Sir when trying to login an error occur please check it 404 Not Found. Please forward this error screen to tommy.heliohost.org's WebMaster. The server cannot find the requested page: tommy.heliohost.org:2083/login/ (port 2083)
  4. But sir if i'm not able to login to my account how can i'm able to solve this issue can you please remove all mail accounts from my dashboard?
  5. hello sir i'm not do anything wrong but still my account ip is just blocked please unlock my ip sir i'm a contributor to fund raising you can check it but still i'm facing problems with my account please resolve as soon as possible or please disable or remove factor behinds my ip block Username:Karachi ip Address: Email Address: karachi@post.com
  6. but sir i'm not do anything but now again this saying your ip is blocked please check it sir i'm not able to understand what is this happening with me IP: Email Address of account: shafiakishwer14@gmail.com Username: Shaifiaki
  7. My cpanel and loin email:shafiakishwer14@gmail.com Username: shafiaki Hello Sir yesterday i have an problem with my account it say your ip blocked now my ip is unblocked but now i'm not able to access my Cpanel when trying to login an error tommy.heliohost.org:2083/login/ (port 2083)
  8. but sir still i'm not able to login into my Cpanel an error occur Saying tommy.heliohost.org:2083/login/ (port 2083)
  9. hello sir please unblock my IP I'm not done any illegal think IP: Email Address of account: shafiakishwer14@gmail.com Username: Shaifiaki
  10. Already donated through gofundme on your fundraiser page amount $21.60 when i'm receive my vps for 6 months as mentioned i'm waiting for it. email from donated and have to delivered vps is karachi@post.com
  11. i'm delete all of my files in filemanager sir now its good?
  12. delete my all files and folders in filemanager and also my all database is it okay?
  13. Username: Karachi Server: Tommy Domain: Karachi.heliohost.org Please unsuspend my account one day ago my ip address blocked and now after one day my account suspended i don't know why please restore my account as soon as possible i have long donation history to helihost
  14. and second i'm not do anything with my account i don't know why my ip blocked
  15. i'll try but my ip still not unblocked
  16. Still Receive an message The IP address has been blocked
  17. Please sir unblock my ip My username: Karachi Main Domain: karachi.heliohost.org
  18. username: Karachi server: Tommy Main Domain: karachi.heliohost.org Hello sir i'm unable login my account when trying to login receive invalid login message please solve this problem
  19. Hello sir My Website shafiakishwer.com still in userdata as my account already blocked because of banking use of website please remove my website from your userdata
  20. yes sir costcow1 is my account sir please restore it
  21. please restore my account sir
  22. no this is my account and suspended by human mistake i have plan to use this account for my school website where we all friends in classroom discus our homework and school work please unsuspend my account
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