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Everything posted by etigui

  1. Hello! I'm coming back with my pluginn/WEB-APP. As I say yesterday, thanks to my neihbour we could reach to istall it. There was several problems mainly in the way I confugured it but also in a .htaccess file were we delette two lines. Today I'm trying to use the web-App and i meet several problems (lot of mistake messages) could it comes from the two lines we deleted? in the begining we had: SetEnv PHP_VER 5 SetEnv MAGIC_QUOTES 0 <IfModule !mod_php5.c> AddType x-mapp-php5 .php </IfModule> We changed to this <IfModule !mod_php5.c> AddType x-mapp-php5 .php </IfModule> I also found that the app was written in php, js, html and xml, using jQuery, ajax and mysql Can Johnny read all that stuff?
  2. Hello All! Thanks to my neihbour, we could reach to install the plugin on the server... It's now seems to works ... I will write a dedicated poste about my case on the forum of the software. Then I will make a link on this forum to my post. May be it will help others ... Thanks a lot to Krydos and flazepe and my neihbour Thanks
  3. Home/etigui/robert Your files need to be in public_html for them to be viewable through a browser. So try something like /home/etigui/public_html/robert instead. Thank you for your answers guys It's good to see that you are not alone when you feel like beeing in the botem of the ocean... ... I belive you should be right... But... as we say in french... Je n'arrive à rien... I was also thinking in changing the place of the "roots" file and also making a sub domaine. I created http://www.robert.alterretech.heliohost.org/
  4. Heuuuu.... You go to fast for me... where do i need to write all those code??
  5. Voilà.... And now... do you have any idea on "how to test if it's works?" / What should i write in my broser to get access to my database? Thanks Sorry I'm an early beginner
  6. Then I had to create a Mysql database ... I believe I have done that right ... But since I don't know how to try ... I'm not sure nore
  7. Did it throw any error while installing? Actually: - I ve found the way to download the app through the "Git" - Then in the instalation summury available on ((https://github.com/RobertManager/robert/wiki/3.-Documentation-du-Robert-:-INSTALLATION) it's says to configure the installation ... That's now that my problems start... => I don't know what to write in the exemple.user_config.php (=> I don't know my MySQL "host name") I tried different thinks but I don't know after how to check if it's works or not... I dont know what to write in my webbroser to access my "database"/"plugInn"
  8. Hello! I'm trying to instal a small "program"/database (=>http://robertmanager.org/index.php) (downloadable on bash git clone https://github.com/RobertManager/robert.git) on my account (Johnny server)... But (until now) I can't reach to do it/make it runs.. I'm looking for someone to help me... It's a Mysql plugin to help poeple to manage "renting of goods"... It's in french... My problem (now) is just to reach to instal and run the "pluginn"/"program" Thanks Bonjour! J'essaye d'installer ce petit logiciel: http://robertmanager.org/index.php... Je n'arrive pour l'instant à (presque) rien... je cherche qqn pour m'aider... Merci
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