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  1. Thank You
  2. Good afternoon, my account has been archived. My inactivity is due to the fact that in my country there are serious problems with the electricity supply and the Internet. At the moment these services have been being restored and for this reason I have resumed my projects, one of which is the use of their excellent hosting, it would be very helpful if they can support me in the restoration of my account and thus be able to continue with my job. Thank you very much in advance.
  3. Sorry for the other post, I'm new to this. If the error was of permisology and I could solve it by phpPgadmin, thanks again
  4. Again, here, I already connected to the database, but now I have an error wanting to inert data in a table Warning: pg_query(): Query failed: ERROR: permission denied for relation usuarios I hope you can help me, I don't know if I can solve that error with the phpPgadmin or that is done from the server?
  5. Thank You Krydos I could solve the error, it is because of the prefix that you have to put to the database and the user, with the data that you wrote to me, I did it with both parameters and I already have access to the database, thank you very much for your help and patience I could solve the error, it is because of the prefix that you have to put to the database and the user, with the data that you wrote to me, I did it with both parameters and I already have access to the database, thank you very much for your help and patience
  6. Annex I send you what is in the PostgreSql cPanel, database and user database and the php code of my application, thanks for what you can help me. User: urano68_postgres Database: urano68_taxis php <?php $sis_titulo=""; $sis_estilo=""; $sis_charset="utf-8"; $sis_oficina="001"; $sis_proyecto=""; $bd_servidor="localhost"; $bd_puerto="5432"; $bd_nombre="taxis"; $bd_usuario="urano68_postgres"; $bd_clave="postgres"; ?>
  7. Now I have problems with this error: Host= localhost; DBname= taxis; User= postgres; Password= postgres Warning: pg_connect(): Unable to connect to PostgreSQL server: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "postgres" in /home/urano68/public_html/servicios.digitales/configuracion/conexion.php on line 3 I think that for to fix this error open PostgreSQL client authentication configuration file pg_hba.conf By default Postgresql uses IDENT-based authentication. All you have to do is allow username and password based authentication for your network or webserver. IDENT will never allow you to login via -U and -W options. Append following to allow login via localhost only: local all all trust host all trust
  8. Good morning, thank you very much come and check and the error does not come out. Very kind for the attention
  9. this is the error that shows: Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function pg_connect() in /home/urano68/public_html/servicios.digitales/configuracion/conexion.php:2
  10. 1 Johnny 2 7.3 3 php_pdo_pgsql - php_pgsql
  11. I have the error of not being able to connect to the database, locally I connect but from my server I have not been able to, I have read about it and they tell me that it is problems of php extensions with postgresql
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