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  1. Thank you very much Krydos, its working now...... I Appreciate your....thanks
  2. Upps sorry i forget : User: nmbayu76 nmbayu76.eu.org
  3. I think krydos has to renew it, This link is same problem with that on may 2019, this is periodicly one years renew licence, I think https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/35699-softaculous-license-expired/
  4. Where is the maintenance, i think this is about the server, and not only me get this problem, I think, admin of the cpannel has job to renew that, not ordinary user do that
  5. Is thats renew with free plan? I dont know about that? This is first problem with that, is that all feature is work when I renew with free plan, like before?
  6. I think this is the problem that make installed bar dissapear on tommy server
  7. I think this is about renew licence on softacolous at tommy server
  8. What? I already delete my account on ricky, I dont have any account right now on that,and i think ricky has no problem,tommy is still missing,Im using tommy for about six month, its imposible if there is no instalation on that, because my website still can online with no problem, just instalation on tommy is dissapear
  9. Oo is that wrong when I have two account?, I just make ricky account because on tommy on april is often get 500 internal server error,if wrong, ok I delete it my account on ricky...
  10. I on ricky is new,about one month, tommy is about 6 month
  11. Hello Please fix, place to put instalation is missing on tommy server there are only for new install... on ricky is normal, Thanks Best Regards Byeyou
  12. My SQL database error again sir now its normal, but with a litle much slower, thanks
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