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Everything posted by mrrobot0

  1. Please Help me to unsuspend my site. Information: a. HelioHost username: mrrobot0 b. the server your account is on : Tommy c. your HelioHost main domain: mrrobot0.heliohost.org
  2. Sorry, I was able to install it.
  3. I have a problem with wordpress and woocomerce not install Please wipe my account and restart. my user: mrrobot0
  4. I donĀ“t use email service. Only mysql database and hosting. Thank you, Very much
  5. HelioHost username: mrrobot0 server: Tommy HelioHost main domain: https://mrrobot0.heliohost.org/
  6. Hi, I'm getting an error: "Fatal error: Class 'ZipArchive' not found" Could you install the zip extension please? user: mrrobot0 Server: Tommy PHP Version - 5.4 site: mrrobot0.heliohost.org
  7. thanks!! your awesome !!!
  8. Hello, Please move my account to Tommy Server. Paypal Transaction Id: 3BH586778C3199812 Account: mrrobot0 account email: climaco0013@gmail.com donation: $5.00 Thanks!!.
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