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  1. Thank you @wolstech, clearly I am being dellusional. Thank you both for your time and sorry for the trouble
  2. Hi @flazepe, I was referring to my account's available disk space, which got increased twice due to donations. Once to double the space, and a more recent one where the space was increased more than two-fold - can't recall the exact amount of increased storage space. However, CPanel shows up as 4.88GB. Edited: Just noticed you were gasping due to the "2TB", which might be an indication that I'm clearly mistaken.
  3. Hi, I have noticed that my 2TB disk space has now been reduced to 4.88 GB. Is there any reason for doing so? Thank you,
  4. Good afternoon, First ot all, thanks for your massive effort on maintaining HelioHost and continuously improving it. Secondly, I have made a donation of 25$USD: Transaction ID: 51F12859447574236 Thank you once again,
  5. Thank you both for your help.
  6. Dear admins, I would like to request that my account got unsuspended due to innactivity. a. User: gbanhudo b. Server: Tommy c. I'm not sure of the domain, since I cannot access the CPanel I can't really retrieve the link. I do apologize beforehand,
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