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Everything posted by gleason

  1. I am currently running into a 500 error as well. Will let you know if I find something. Tried adding the /usr/bin/node and the shell=True and changing the if 'node'.encode('utf-8') in line: doesn't seem to work still getting Internal Error 500. I imagine we are probably doing the same thing wrong.
  2. Can I get remote postgres access enabled please tommy.heliohost.org user: mule_ae13_postgre_bot db: mule_ae13_postgre
  3. I will also be going down this path, or python. Will let you know if I find anything. https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/40834-is-it-possible-to-run-a-nodejs-script-continuously-without-having-an-active-browser-tab-open/ might be a fix.
  4. Please do, in the mean time I will try to find this information as well. It does say it processed so i'll keep looking. I am also available on discord GalaxyMule#5098
  5. Should be from 38Rtn7CsveukJyGbiaBX313v6xjzdEvFX5, sorry for the run around relatively new to bitcoin.
  6. https://www.blockchain.com/btc/address/3CcP6JbFKZ3eU1KHwrzVYkqDY1yPsT4SVR
  7. Let me see if I can figure out how to accomplish that.
  8. I talked to sohamb03 on discord, I would like to get my account unarchived and moved to tommy, I made a BTC donation, about 2 minutes ago. I would be happy to validate the amount via Private Message (or if another method works I am unaware of it). Thanks
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