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Everything posted by canadarm

  1. The system uses an alternate HELO of “johnny.heliohost.org” when sending mail from the “actu-spatial.cf” domain.There is no reverse DNS configured for the IP address ( that the system uses to send this domain’s outgoing email.To fix this problem, contact your system administrator and request that they create the following PTR record at “ns1.he.net”, “ns2.he.net”, “ns3.he.net”, “ns4.he.net”, and “ns5.he.net”:Suggested “PTR” (PTR) Record PTRName67.141.19.65.in-addr.arpa.Valuejohnny.heliohost.org.
  2. Hello,I have checked the deliverability of my e-mails, except that the RDNS is not configured. With the zone editor I cannot add a PTR record.Can we fix this?here is a screenshot:
  3. Good morning all My account has been archived, which means that I cannot log in. Can we unarchive it? Username: canadarm
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