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Everything posted by simjus

  1. simjus

    Power disruption

    Is it possible that I get his error: because of this power disruption? This error started to show up 2 days ago, but earlier site was working perfectly. P.S. My site is hosted elsewhere, but the MySQL db is hosted on your hosting (stevie)
  2. Hi, Firstly, I know this is free hosting and I can't expect best quality services, etc. But I'd like to ask why where is such a big downtime recently? Today I tried to open cPanel, but I couldn't do that for about an hour (it was just loading.. loading.. loading..).. Secondly, this is probably the 3rd time (out of ~10) I could reach HelioNet site without getting some weird errors or time outs. Also, phpMyAdmin loading time is VERY long.. Are you fixing these problems, or this is just happening randomly and there is nothing you can do about it? And I heard something about new server coming on 2011.. Is that true? and will it be available for free hosting accounts? :s
  3. Thank you. It works
  4. I'm not seeing any Nameserver records for your domain. You need to either have your registrar or you need to point your domain to: ns1.heliohost.org ns2.heliohost.org EDIT: I just did some checking and I'm seeing your nameservers now. The problem seems to be on our end. Hopefully your account shuld come out of the queued state in the next few hours. I'll keep an eye on it and if it doesn't I'll escalate this to the root admin. Ok, thanks.
  5. Ok, I'd like to contact my domain registar, but I don't know what the problem is? Is it about NS or what?
  6. So I need to wait for those DNS changes to go through all DNS servers or something like this? And then I'll be able to login to cPanel?
  7. Hi. What I see on FAQ (and also hear from other users) They see some "Account Queued page", but after 48 hours, I don't see anything like that. I just can't login to cPanel, since it shows "Incorrect password". I tried Password Reset function, but I just didn't got any email (as well as after registration. so I have no emails from Heliohost yet). Domain: www[dot]tuja[dot]lt Username: tujalt ---Off Topic--- Well I'll tell about forum problem so I wouldn't need to create another topic.. I had to wait ~12hours for "Resend Activation Email" button to work, since I did not got the activation email at first, after few hours I tried pressing that button - nothing. And the next day I pressed it again, and only then got the activation email..
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