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  1. Hi... Sorry if it's not the rigth forum... Please I need help on this: I'm trying to connect to my postgres database from outside with DBeaver. tommy.heliohost.org:5432 and database, user, etc. from my databse. I get this error: FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "urquiza_postgres", database "urquiza_gestoria", SSL on Thanks in advance...
  2. I'll do it. Thank you very much!
  3. You can't do that unless remote connection is enabled for your database. Krydos can set that up for you. Please wait till then. O.K., I'll wait. Thank you!
  4. Hi... please I need help on this: I'm trying to connect to my postgres database from outside with DBeaver. tommy.heliohost.org:5432 and database, user, etc. from my databse. I get this error: FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "urquiza_postgres", database "urquiza_gestoria", SSL on Thanks in advance...
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